Duminica 14 Mai 2006 incepand cu ora: 20:00 clubul Underworld impreuna cu ALN Studio prezinta:
Cantam si coloram
invitat - Harold (Beat Box)
in deschidere Memento
1. Who are JMNI? What do you represent? What do you intend to do (express) with your music?
JMNI: 2 African men who love the art of self expression through music and writing. We intend to spread our message to people who share the same background as us as well as anyone who is a fan of rap music.
2. What do your stage names mean, where do they come from (TRINITRO & M.O.A)?
Trinitro: Trinitro is short for Trinitrotoluene which is the scientific word for TNT dynamite.
M.O.A: M.O.A stands for minister of agrikulcha, well because I plant seeds in.
3. How did you 2 meet each other?
We've had a relationship since childhood. We went to school in the same city. Hiphop is something that we always did all our lives as children, and we finally got a chance to expose it.
4. How did you end up in Philly? Do you think you can be heard better there than in Africa?
Trinitro: I came to Philly to finish my studies, got back in touch with my childhood friend MOA and decided to make this happen. I believe that our message is meant to be heard by all human beings. We live in Philadelphia but our style of music is intended to touch African people worldwide and can be better heard in Europe and Africa I believe.
M.O.A: I ended up in Philly for college. While here I put out the AMBASSADOZ: TRAVELWISE debut album. During the recording process of that album, Latson and myself started recording tracks for our debut album REBEL POETRY.
5."REBEL POETRY", is your debut album. How is it being received by hip hop fans?
So far, fans think our style is strong, unique and a breath of fresh air in this shark infested game!
6. What themes have you had on "REBEL POETRY"? How did you expect people to react after listening it?
Themes are various, from war to dictatorship in Africa, relationships between men and women, ego-tripping, foreign affairs and bravado rhymes.
7. What are you currently working on and how are you going to promote it so your message can be heard all over the world?
Actually, at the moment, we are putting finishing touches to REBEL POETRY and doing shows whenever we get the chance. M.O.A is working on a mixtape called "MOA Presents" as well as doing shows with AKAN. Latson is working on his next album, as well as producing and recording different up and coming acts in the area. We are also tightening up the business end of things. We're going to push this to the public and get it where it needs to be -mom and pop shops, the internet, car trunks, bootlegs, digital distribution and word of mouth!
8. Besides Mc-ing what else are each of you fond of in the hip hop culture?
Trinitro: I like breakdancing.
M.O.A: Tagging.
9. How much of the african culture can be found in your rhymes?
Most of our rhymes in Rebel Poetry are influenced by our African background. You also have to overstand that we have a world view of this hiphop game. We have traveled around to different places in our youth and look at the bigger picture of things, but the foundation is definitely African.
10. You used to produce your own work. Have you concidered to collaborate with someone else for production?
We've actually collaborated with few producers on some songs, and we are always ready to collaborate with others if the vibe is right. We got tracks from DN3 (Philly native) as well as SEVEN (Ghanaian producer extraordinaire)!
M.O.A is currently working with a Romanian producer/dj by the name of DJ FaiboX.
11. On your future works who else besides JMNI can be heard?
Probably emcees and artists who are close to us. We have a track that so far features 20 emcees from all parts of the globe! Look for the cd for that!
12. A few words for your fans form all over?
JMNI is a device of floatation, like a vortex in a mighty rotation! We truly hope that you will enjoy the Rebel Poetry album, and thank you for taking time to LISTEN. This was a joint project between Lvolution Productions (Trinitro) and AndahGround Soundz (M.O.A). The official JMNI website is under construction.
13. HipHopKulture.ro thanks your for doing this interview and hopes to hear from JMNI as soon as possible.
We want to tell everybody that JMNI is in full effect. It's just the beginning. Everybody has a personal life outside the music. When you don't hear from us for awhile, it's good. In that time we're going through enough things to express to you later. Its all part of the cycle! Ya foyi! One Love from Trinitro and M.O.A!
La patru luni de la lansarea materialului de debut "Dificultati tehnice" CTC apar in fata voastra intr-un maraton de peste 150 de minute de concert live, dj-ing si proiectii video.
Pentru cunoscatori acest maraton este perceput ca si lansarea neoficiala a albumului si va este oferit prin conlucrarea a doua label-uri indeppendente: Hades Records si Facem Records. Armada, Zale, Pirats Klan, Da Hood, Bitza, Grasu XXL, K-Gula, Eqinox, Furnici Coapte si Funktastics vor presta live in fata voastra sustinuti la platane de Turntable Science, DJ Grand, UFe, DJ Excess si DeeJayGruv.
Cred ca sunt motive destule ca nimeni sa nu lipseasca vineri pe 3 martie din Preoteasa.
graffity 01
C.T.C. vor concerta sambata, 11 martie in club Bounce din Timisoara, incepand cu ora 22:00. Warm-up si after-party asigurate de DJ Flava si DJ Paul.
Pacha Man
si tu cine pula mea ai vrea sa fii cacatule....nu cumva esti o pulan cur care se sufoaca....mad_dog sa se puna cu tine te face praf .... virus iti baga pula-n cur si iti iese pe nas .... si am ajuns la mine.....fata de rimele mele ale tale parca ti leo trimis vreun copil de vreo 8-9 ani....pai uita-te la rimele mele nu la ale tale coaie prost si mother fucker ce esti. mai el reinventeaza underground-ul :rotfl::rotfl: da oare a disparut underground-ul si nu stiu eu???